
  • Vesna Scepanovic



Feedback, individual identity, collective identity, communication, group cohesion


This paper explores the role of feedback in shaping individual and collective identities. In modern society, identity is seen as a dynamic construct that is formed through interactions and communication with others. Analyzing the relevant literature from psychology and social theory, the paper addresses the question of how feedback, whether positive or negative, affects individu-als' self-perception and self-confidence. It also explores the impact of feedback on collective identity, emphasizing how open communication can improve group cohesion, while unclear or insufficient feedback can cause fragmentation within the commu-nity. This paper contributes to the understanding of the complex relationships between feedback and identity, providing insight into how identities are formed, redefined, and maintained in dynamic social contexts.


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How to Cite

FEEDBACK 2.0: THE INTERPLAY OF TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE IN SHAPING COMMUNICATION. (2025). International Journal of Management Trends: Key Concepts and Research, 3(2), 41-46.

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