
  • Maja Plecas




female leadership, gender equality, management, entrepreneurship


The status of women in relation to men has always been different, both in family and in business life. Through this paper, we examine the position and role of contemporary women who hold significant business positions, the difficulties and opportunities they encounter, as well as the possibilities for balancing private and professional life. Additionally, this paper compares the financial and social status of women in relation to men in the business world and analyzes the factors that influence potential differences in their positions. In order to assess all of the above, a quantitative study was conducted on a sample of 51 female respondents, with the subject of this paper being the examination of women's leadership in corporate management in Serbia, as well as the challenges and potentials women leaders face in the modern business world. The research results show that, despite the level of emancipation of contemporary women, their education, and business success, there is still a different perception of women in leadership positions compared to their male colleagues. It can also be concluded that the differences between women and men vary in intensity across different life segments, but are certainly present in almost every segment. Therefore, the demand and expectation from modern human civilization is to reduce these differences as quickly as possible and ultimately eliminate them.


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How to Cite

WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP IN MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS IN SERBIA: CHALLENGES AND POTENTIALS. (2025). International Journal of Management Trends: Key Concepts and Research, 3(2), 87-98. https://doi.org/10.58898/ijmt.v3i2.87-98

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